What are BDR Publishing’s top ten scariest books of all time? These titles are classified as adult horror. They are meant to rattle, disturb, and scare you.
If you are ready for some monster horror reading recommendations then we have a few that might shock, terrify and maybe even repulse you.
What is horror genre and why do we love to read stories that can repulse and shock us? What are the horror subgenres?
Science fiction helps young readers by teaching about the value of life and how to stand up to societal norms.
If you find yourself lacking inspiration or facing a creative block, try reading a book outside of your normal genre. Whether it’s to learn about the world or find a new favorite, reading outside your favorite genre has many benefits.
Book reviews weigh heavily on an author’s success. Goodreads reviews affect readership and can influence an author’s success.
So here are some fab books to devour over the mid-summer holiday—seven Indie books you don’t want to miss. These action-packed stories will keep your eyes glued to the words long after bedtime.