By Ashley Rands, Marketing
It is that time of year again. The time to set new year resolutions. Maybe you’re the kind of person who feels pumped at the start of the new year; excited to tackle new goals and aspirations. Or maybe you dread the start of the new year and hate making goals. Or, perhaps you fall somewhere in between. Whichever category you relate with, I want to encourage you to set at least one small reading goal this year.
Why Are Small Reading Goals Important
There are a myriad of reasons why reading is beneficial and important. Just to list a few: reading helps improve vocabulary, memory, analytical reasoning, brain connectivity, comprehension, and so much more. When you read more you have a better capacity to feel compassion and empathize with others. Reading can be a great stress reliever as well. Books can be a great escape from reality but they could also be the bridge we need to face reality and solve the problems we might struggle with in life. Let’s not forget one of the best reasons to read more–it’s fun!
So whether you are an avid reader or someone who reads from time to time setting small reading goals is important. When you set small reading goals that you can accomplish throughout the year you can continue to feel satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment as you achieve those goals.
6 Small Reading Goals
Read More Books
This is perhaps the most obvious reading goal: read more books. Whether you are an avid reader or an indifferent reader, setting a numerical number to your reading goal can help you read even more. First step is to look back on your previous year and count how many books you’ve actually read. Once you have that number it is more than likely you will read close to the same amount this year. This will help you set a numerical reading goal.
Maybe you’ll want to increase it by 10 or maybe it was difficult to read the number you did last year. Therefore, you will want to set the same number for this year or a little less. Remember it is important to set obtainable goals. There is nothing wrong with setting a smaller reading goal that you know you will accomplish then setting one that you will have trouble completing. If you only read 5 books last year and you set a goal to read 52 this year, you will more than likely fail your reading goal.
The Goodreads Reading Challenge is a great tool to use to track how many books you’ve read throughout the year. You set an X number of books to read and then watch your progress as you finish each book. It is always gratifying to see your progress.
Vary Your Reading Genre
Maybe you’ve accomplished the numerical reading goals in the past and wish to set a different type of goal. To change things up maybe you’ll decide to check off different reading genres. Reading outside of your favorite genre can help you get out of a reading slump and give you renewed excitement for reading. There are many reading challenges out there that encourage you to expand your horizons. Booklist Queen’s reading challenge has 52 categories and will definitely have you reading outside of your norm.
Who knows maybe you’ll find a new lovable genre. If nothing else you will learn more about the world. Check out our blog that talks all about the benefits of Reading Outside Your Favorite Genre.
Set a Timed Reading Goal
Another small reading goal you can set this year is a timed reading goal. Life can get crazy and life can get busy. Even those who love reading might struggle to find time to read. This year you might want to set a goal to read everyday for a set amount of time. Schedules change often so this reading goal might be something you will need to adjust as your schedule adjusts.
Maybe you only have time to read for 30 minutes. It is better to set a specific time during the day to read as well as determining a duration for reading. If you do not do either of these things then you will find more often than not you skipping your reading for the day. You could read right before bed or when you eat lunch. Set aside a time you will read and determine how long it will be. There is nothing wrong with reading over that set time which I have a feeling you might stretch your reading time as you find a really good book.
Whatever time you set, keep a consistent reading schedule. This will help those who struggle to find time to read and keep you accomplishing your goal.
Declutter Your To Be Read List and Bookshelf
Yes, this is a great reading goal! Go through your TBR list and find the books that you no longer have any interest in reading. Delete those books from your reading list. Then go through your bookshelf and find those books that maybe you were gifted but have no interest in reading. Find those how to or diet books that you’ve already read (or never read) but no longer need. Get rid of the books you’ve already read but you won’t ever read again. Feel free to keep those favorites or the ones that share special memories. Free up your shelves for other great finds. As you go through your virtual and physical shelves you might find forgotten treasures or books you were always intending to read but never did.
Read Your To Be Read List
If you are anything like me, your TBR list is constantly growing more than it is shrinking. Another small reading goal you can set this year is not adding any more books to your TBR list but actually reading those books on that list. Another small reading goal you can set is reading the books currently on your bookshelf.
There is always the pull to read the latest releases or the new popular reads. An easy goal to set this year is to stay away from the bookstores and dig through your bookshelves (I know this one might be difficult). Find books that you were always meaning to read but never found the time. Pull out those forgotten books and see what new treasures you will find.
Time to Set Small Reading Goals
The easy part is now over. You’ve read this blog and have some ideas for small reading goals you want to set. Now the hard part: set a small reading goal. You can choose one of the above (or more than one) or you can find a different reading goal altogether. Whatever you want your goal to be you need to commit.
Write it down, tell your friends, join a group that is doing the same thing, and track your goal. If you choose a reading goal that involves the amount of books being read then break it down into even smaller goals. So if it is reading 12 books a year then make sure you read one book a month. If you have a larger numerical goal then break it down into weeks instead of months.
If you are looking to read books from various genres then make a list of those books you intend to read. Then you can check them off as you read them.