April is National Poetry Month, and there’s a multitude of ways to participate. We’ve compiled some for you so you don’t miss out!
Download the National Poetry Month logo
Poets.org’s logo is available in color and grayscale, for web or print. It looks great, so don’t miss out on it.
Download the National Poetry Month 2019 poster
Poets.org also has another amazing poster for National Poetry
Sign up for Poem-A-Day
Poem-A-Day is a daily digital poetry series that features new, previously unpublished on weekdays and classic poems on weekends. It’s free, so there isn’t any excuse not to join.
Celebrate with an Activity Each Day from Poets.org’s 30 Ways to Celebrate
Poets.org has a list of 30 things to do for National Poetry Month, convenient when April is 30 days. They’re all pretty easy.
Celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day
Poem in Your Pocket Day 2019 is April 18th. Carry a poem with you and share it everywhere. Work, bookstores, libraries, parks, street corners, transportation, social media. Use the hashtag #pocketpoem.
This holiday was started in April 2002 in New York City. In 2008, the Academy of American Poets extended it to all 50 states, and in 2016 the League of Canadian Poets brought it to Canada.
Participate in Writer’s Digest April PAD Challenge
This is writing a poem every day in April, and some poets get together to share their poems on the Writer’s Digest blog in the comments for that day’s poem. For example, here is Day 1 in 2019.
A quick April PAD in the search bar on Writer’s Digest will pull up the current PAD blog posts, so you can search for the current or past days’ posts.
Participate in NaPoWriMo 2019
This is another write a poem daily challenge and the napowrimo.net website hosts inspiration and a place to share your site.
Have a wonderful poetry adventure!