Alpha readers and beta readers are readers who have a first look at your story before it’s a finished product. They will read the entire manuscript and critique it, giving you a fresh reader’s perspective on your work and ideas.
Alpha vs Beta Readers
The main difference between alpha readers and beta readers is the timeline in which they read the book and the elements of writing and story they focus on.

Alpha Readers
Alpha readers often read an early draft, such as a first or second draft, before it’s edited. Some may read the first draft before it’s finished.
Because they’re reading a draft earlier in the writing process, alpha readers focus on more general issues and problems in the story. Often these fall under developmental edits. These may include:
- Characterization problems
- Dialogue issues
- Too much or too little description
- Character and plot arcs
- Plot holes
- Overall pacing and structure
- The general feel for the story

Beta Readers
Beta readers read the manuscript further along in the writing and revision process. Often the manuscript has been edited and revised several times and the big developmental kinks worked out.
Since beta readers look at your story further along in the revision process, they’ll focus on more endgame edits. Depending on what your book may need, the suggestions can range from line editing to characterization problems to ensuring the facts line up. They may cover some developmental editing points if old problems popped up from recent revisions or if a new problem was introduced because of a recent change.
Most importantly, beta readers should primarily focus on the reader experience. They’ll make sure the book is whole, that everything blends together and makes sense to the reader. They’ll notice where the pacing is off, where they lost track of characters, and what emotions they felt during different scenes. This is your chance to ensure the (beta) reader is feeling what you want them to feel as they read your book.
Why Do I Need Alpha and Beta Readers?
Alpha and beta readers are a great way to get second opinions on your work. They give a fresh perspective, and you can see how well your writing accomplishes the tasks you set off to accomplish. By using constructive and helpful alpha and beta readers, your story and writing will be stronger and tighter. It’s an essential step to the editing and revision process that benefits your work.

Where Do I Find Alpha Readers and Beta Readers?
Alpha and beta readers don’t have to be professionals. In fact, a variety of people who come from different backgrounds can provide the best insight simply because they bring different experiences, focuses, and interests to the table. Alpha and beta readers can be close friends, family, spouses, children, and even close writing buddies. They can also be internet friends, online group members, and other long-distance acquaintances.
The best alpha and beta readers provide constructive feedback. If your friend is supportive, but their feedback sounds something like, “This is super awesome. I loved it!” then they probably aren’t the best alpha or beta reader, or any kind of prepublication reader.
If you’re looking to hire an alpha or beta reader, consider hiring a developmental editor or a manuscript evaluator. These types of editors will look at the overall structure and tone of your book and provide the critiques you need as part of an alpha/beta read through.

If you don’t want to hire someone and don’t have any close friends or family who provide good feedback, consider looking into online writing forums and groups. Often writers will swap reading and critiquing each other’s work. There is always someone out there willing to look over your manuscript as long as you are willing to do the same to theirs.
If you’re looking for more ideas, here are some great ways to start looking for valued readers.
How Many Alpha and Beta Readers do I Need?
The number of alpha and beta readers you need is relative. You want to aim for at least five, but the maximum amount will depend on how many readers you feel comfortable working with.
Some writers recommend using no more than 15. Others will say 20. It’s really based on personal preference.
If reading critiques and working with feedback is difficult or new for you, then keep your amount of readers small. If you want a variety of opinions from people with different expertise and backgrounds, then you want to have a higher number of readers to meet that goal.

Can the Same Person be Both My Alpha and Beta Reader?
Different people should fulfill the role of your alpha and beta readers. The point of alpha and beta readers is to have a fresh pair of eyes. If your friend is your sole alpha and beta reader, they won’t be a new perspective anymore. Your alpha reader will become accustomed to the story as they work with you. They won’t notice new mistakes that a fresh beta reader might notice during final read-throughs.